Monday, February 19, 2007


Wiki How:
Cold Wars can be a fun and profitable way to pass the time. Starting one is easier than you think! Its also a great way to teach little ones about responsibility and the value of an obvious enemy.

Things you'll need:
a fireplace * sandwich * compass * yamulke * 4 coyotes * #2 pencil * plutonium ( I really hope they named that shit after the Roman god and not the ex-planet! Somebody's gettin' fired!) * 7 hamburgers * a cabbage patch * xavier roberts * cobblestone road * 20 assorted hats * a leather sword * lice

1. Determine what type of enemy you want all action movies to feature for the next ten years.
2. Become a nuclear superpower.
3. Make a trailer for your bicycle.
4. Brew your own beer.
5. Make Arnold Schwarzenegger the biggest movie star.
6. Attack your enemy's ideology.
7. Yakov Smirnoff.
8. KGB spies stole this step.
9. Nikolai Volkoff.
10. Sgt. Slaughter.
11. Support the troops.
12. Don't actually fight a military war.
13. Carry the beer to the party on your bike trailer.
14. Insider trading.
15. You did it!

This is Gene Hackman!>>>>> Serious. Check out CONELRAD!!!It pretty much... RIPS!

-Sir Adrian

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